Constructability and Budget Control
Our preconstruction experts drive best practices and lessons learned knowledge to maximize design and construction efficiencies, as well as continuous value engineering to deliver best value for lowest cost without compromising your design vision.
Maximizing design and construction efficiencies early adds measurable value and reduces risk.
When engaged early, our solution providers and advanced technology drive value to your bottom line.
The Value of Value Engineering
While focused on reducing costs, VE is a unique opportunity to engage the innovative thinking and creative problem solving of our experts. The key is to achieve value for money, not just cut costs. Depth of experience and lateral thinking drive alternative solutions that respect your design. A better solution may be cost neutral with possible savings over the life of the facility or in overall construction time. We can model alternate solutions with rapid cost analysis of various design options.
Integrated Expert Workshops, Data Modelling and Lots of Options!
A high water table on an office tower site created challenges balancing parking count requirements with the desire to create as much structured parking as possible while still satisfying the project proforma. An early decision on the parking solution was critical as it formed the basis of design. Using advanced 5D BIM estimating and scheduling models,
Optimizing Vertical Transportation Design to Put Money Back into the Budget
This was a twin office tower project in Vancouver, Canada. Initially, the design was for 13 side-mounted machines, a type that restricted bidder interest and increased costs. worked with the low bidder to procure a bid recommendation for the supply and installation of 40 elevators. Post award, Cliff collaborated to redesign the equipment specs and fast-track install requirements, saving the project